The Subject of Prophecy is somewhat mysterious and strange! How can one tell the future? In Scripture many things seem to come to pass in the pages of time yet other things said to come to pass in future are not so easy to detect and one wonders if these ‘prophecies’ are ‘genuine’ or just …

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SYMBOLS OF SALVATION THE ‘SANCTUARY’ The Bible, especially the old ‘King James Version’, is full of ‘imagery’, and also many ‘archaic’ words which are not used a lot today in our English speaking society ‘all over this World’! This, for an enquiring mind, is an exciting challenge, but, through prayer and the art of ‘Simplification’ …

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TABERNACLE SANCTUARY? ON EARTH?? IN HEAVEN??? In the Last part of Scripture, the book of Revelation, it is said of the New Jerusalem, dwelling place of God, (and meeting place for those who visit Him), that there is ‘…. no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. …

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In today’s Blog I’d like to put together a collage of Scripture Texts to simply outline a Jigsaw picture of who the Angels are. I will go back in history to show where they came from, how some of them went wrong, and what they are doing now, especially here on this Earth. I will …

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CREATION v EVOLUTION v MYTHOLOGY Please read the following bible texts and contemplate them in relation to all the great ‘isms’ and ‘belief systems’ of this world and see whether the Holy scriptures give the best, most profound and truest understanding of the ‘meaning of life’ and it’s ‘eternal purpose’ ! The ‘Old English’ word …

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