HI, MY NAME IS GARY SOUTHWELL; I WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME YOU TO MY BLOG ‘OBVIOUS RAW TRUTH’ – Staying humble while uplifting God’s beautiful Saving Word!

In these articles which I will be posting I will not be quoting from anyone else except very briefly but will be highlighting Texts and chapters from the Bible and primarily the King James Version (actually almost exclusively)(along with Webster 1828 Dictionary) though I believe God uses all Bible versions as tools to attract thinking persons to His Saving truth! 

I believe there is TOO MUCH INFORMATION that can be TIME WASTING  out there, especially on the INTERNET,  and so I believe there is a NEED for BRIEF, yet TIMELY THOUGHTS to GUIDE HONEST SEEKERS for TRUTH in UTMOST SIMPLICITY and SINCERITY, to get a FRESH PERSPECTIVE of the MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES in LIFE, dealing with things MOST EASILY UNDERSTOOD and AGREED on, leading on later to the things MORE OBSCURE and DIFFICULT and generally LESS IMPORTANT, but still NOTEWORTHY!

I will endeavour to keep my posts very brief:  KISS principle throughout = KEEP IT SHORT and SIMPLE as TIME is TOO PRECIOUS TODAY and is RUNNING OUT in this DYING WORLD

The tone of the messages will be Clear, Straightforward, Urgent, Tactful, Serious, Honest yet Open, Candid, somewhat imperfect at times, but doing the Best that I can, in order to appeal to ALL CLASSES, working, blue collar, white collar, highly educated, but also those just learning English, both young and old!

Please read ‘My Experience’ to get a better understanding of my  background, and I pray these posts may be of Countless Benefits to those seeking to Progress in their UNDERSTANDING OF CUTTING EDGE ‘TRUTH FOR TODAY’, ‘OBVIOUS RAW TRUTH’!

I will be checking my emails weekly for replies in the comment box below, so please be patient while I reply to you.  Please feel free to check out my fellow blogger’s site at ‘Once a Stranger’ (

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